Thursday, April 4, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

What I thought was Henry at the door was actually the vampyre. He ordered me not to scream as he spoke to me. He covets our home. ~Flora
I stayed in my chamber today, frightened. Henry came by to talk to me. He brought me a manuscript, which I read. As I finished I heard footsteps outside my door. ~Flora

A visitor comes

I thought I saw the vampyre again, which is cause for my sudden stop last writing. I saw Sir Francis Varney, who I still say is the vampyre. Charles finally took me away from him.

A garden meeting

I had a meeting with Charles in the garden. I felt this great need to release him from his vows to me. Instead he said he loved me. ~Flora

Chapter XIII

Well the search party went around the garden to no avail. This was after I had fired a pistol at something. And now I have people guarding me day and night. I saw a servant deliver a letter to Henry. I wonder what that could be about.
On another note I agreed to leave the house with Henry. After that he left to see Sir Francis Varney. ~Flora

Tuesday, March 26, 2013